This is a game of Rock, paper, scissors.
What is your choice?
In .html file:
<div class="game">
<h1>What is your choice?</h1>
<button class="option">🪨</button>
<button class="option">📃</button>
<button class="option">✂</button>
<div class="game__heading" id="player">You: </div>
<div class="game__heading" id="computer">Computer: </div>
<div class="game__heading" id="result">Result: </div>
In .js file:
const playerHeading = document.getElementById('player');
const computerHeading = document.getElementById('computer');
const resultHeading = document.getElementById('result')
const options = document.querySelectorAll('.option')
let playerChoice;
let computerChoice;
let gameResult;
options.forEach(option => option.addEventListener('click', () => {
playerChoice = option.innerHTML;
playerHeading.innerHTML = `You picked ${playerChoice}`;
computerHeading.innerHTML = `Computer picked ${computerChoice}`;
resultHeading.innerHTML = checkWinner();
function computer() {
const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
switch (randomNumber) {
case 1:
computerChoice = "🪨";
case 2:
computerChoice = "📃";
case 3:
computerChoice = "✂";
function checkWinner() {
if (playerChoice == computerChoice) {
return "No winners this time. It's a tie!";
else if (computerChoice == "🪨") {
return (playerChoice == "📃") ? "Congratulations! You win!" : "Sorry! You lose!";
else if (computerChoice == "📃") {
return (playerChoice == "✂") ? "Congratulations! You win!" : "Sorry! You lose!"
else if (computerChoice == "✂") {
return (playerChoice == "🪨") ? "Congratulations! You win!" : "Sorry! You lose!"
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